L'école Buissonnière

Welcome on our forum! Smile Please feel free to tell your thoughts about the project, ask your questions, etc... but also take time to have fun, enjoy the vibes, and meet the tribe you may join one day! Wink

If you don't know what this is about and randomly bumped here, there are the basic infos: http://www.lecole-buissoniere-99.webself.net/
L'école Buissonnière

Welcome on our forum! Smile Please feel free to tell your thoughts about the project, ask your questions, etc... but also take time to have fun, enjoy the vibes, and meet the tribe you may join one day! Wink

If you don't know what this is about and randomly bumped here, there are the basic infos: http://www.lecole-buissoniere-99.webself.net/

L'école Buissonnière

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Here you can post e-books, nerdy links, share your favorite work, etc...
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49E-Books for ever...
Thu 1 Sep - 4:03
Kalima View latest post
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Here we speak about communication on the project. Any topic concerning the website, the forum, anything else we should do, pictures and texts about the project, flyers, etc... here it shall be!
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33Crowfunding etc....
Fri 1 Jul - 2:50
Kalima View latest post
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